We offer training on various aspects of workplace health and well-being and we make sure that the content is up to date and interesting.
The purpose of the four-module workshop is to train and empower managers for psychological first aid in the workplace so that they can competently and understandingly approach employees with mental health problems, talk to them and encourage them to seek appropriate professional help.
Planning, implementing and evaluating workplace mental health promotion measures
The purpose of the four-module training is to train and empower those responsible for the promotion of workplace health for successful planning, implementation and evaluation of measures for the appropriate and effective promotion of mental health in the workplace.
Workshops in the field of balancing work and family, stress management, well-being and leadership
The aim of the workshops is to use interactive learning methods to encourage participants to actively participate and further to transfer what they have learned into practice. In accordance with the needs and wishes of the client, we adjust:
- the content of each workshop (depending on who the participants will be and what level of prior knowledge they have on the topic),
- method of conducting an individual workshop (live, online) and
- duration of each workshop.
Contact us for an offer with pricing.